Richard Hezel, PhD

CEO / Founder

As the founder of Hezel Associates, Dr. Hezel has over 40 years of experience in communications, education, research, and consulting. Dr. Hezel has conducted research in multiple areas, including effectiveness, practices, business, marketing, and dissemination. In the course of his practice, he and his company have served hundreds of organizations in the entire range of learning contexts—from early childhood, K-12 and higher education to adult formal and informal learning. From his initial work in educational communications and technology, he has expanded his research practice in many, varied areas of education improvement.

Since founding the firm in 1987, Dr. Hezel has led his company’s growth in research and evaluation of federal- and state-funded projects, which have included technology education programs (Star Schools and Ready to Teach), literacy (Reading First), teacher compensation and evaluation (Teacher Incentive Funds), and longitudinal data systems, as well as many National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded projects. He has consulted on or conducted education research across the United States and has participated in education policy and research meetings nationally and internationally, currently providing high-level strategic advising to clients in the education sector and new entrepreneurs. Dr. Hezel obtained his doctoral degree from Indiana University, where his work focused on mass communications research.
